Evangeline parish sheriff press release Sex Offenders Contact Us Crime Tips. The Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is collecting new toys and/or monetary donations for the needy children in our parish. Date Posted: 01/31/2025. ~narcotic press release~ jessie james freeman Date Posted: 08/16/2024 On July 29, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office while conducting criminal patrol in the town of Mamou La. narcotic press release james garlow Date Posted: 12/04/2024 On December 2, 2024, Narcotic Agents with Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office and Allen Parish SWAT team, after a lengthy investigation, conducted a No-Knock Narcotics Search Warrant at the residence of 415 N. Date Posted: 06/25/2024. Guillory, of the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office releases the following: On the 20th of April 2022 the Evangeline Parish Sheriff Departments Narcotics Unit, conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle on ST. code 14:100. On June 5, 2024 after a Narcotic Investigations into the distribution of illegal narcotics, Agents with Evangeline Parish Sheriff Office along with Patrol Deputies Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip; NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASAE: RAY PAUL THOMAS. Map Newsletter from the Sheriff Press Releases. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ CLARK, SHAW, AND DUPRE . On August 29, 2024, agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office while conducting criminal patrol, agents observed a subject walking in the Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. On June 10, 2024, Narcotic Agent with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office while conducting speed control through radar traffic, agents radared a Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. On August 9, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office while conducting criminal patrol, observed a vehicle fail to utilize signal lights Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. , Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. As always, Sheriff Charles R. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W On August 7th, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office while working Criminal Patrol within the city limits of Mamou, observed two white male individuals walking in the middle of the roadway headed Westbound on Chestnut Street. Arrested was a 53-year-old white male identified as Merdia J. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W Curfew will begin at 7:00PM (tonight) 1-21-2025 and will end at 7:00am (tomorrow morning) 1-22-2025. Date Posted: 07/18/2024. 1 Obstruction of Public Passage and La R. 2161 • 200 Court Street, Ste. Date Posted: 02/18/2025. Press Releases Sex Offenders Contact Us Crime Tips. TWO WANTED IN SUE ST. Any person's reporting information will remain anonymous. , agents observed a male on a bicycle in the middle of the roadway on Chestnut Street obstructing public passage by driving in and out both lanes of travel. All Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ ASHLEY ESTES. Get App Phone (24-Hours): 337. Date Posted: 07/26/2024. the posse as it As always, Sheriff Charles R. 363. Date Posted: 06/26/2024. K-9 Diego was deployed Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. Guillory and the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is always seeking information on criminal activity and urges the Public to contact their Investigation Department via phone at 337-363-2161 or through the agency's website at www. On June 13,2024 Narcotic Officer's with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Deputies while patrolling in the Wyble Subdivision, observed a vehicle bearing the Louisiana License Plate Z743296 swerve out of their designated lane of travel on Berdine Street and conduct a right turn onto Bell Street. Clark and charged with (1) Count of 40:967 (C) Possession of a Schedule II CDS (Methamphetamines) Felony. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W Cotton St. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Toy Drive . On August 3, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office while conducting Criminal Patrol observed a vehicle negotiate a left turn Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . R. One of the males who was identified as Jade McDaniel 34 of Mamou, who also maintained felony warrants from As always, Sheriff Charles R Guillory and the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is always seeking information on criminal activity and urges the Public to contact their Investigation Department via phone at 337-363-2161 or through the agency's website at www. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ ELIJAH GEORGE. The Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office will be monitoring all traffic. Only essential personnel should be on the roadways. We have provided a couple of options for you to pay your traffic citation. Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. Sheriff Eddie Soileau, of the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office has released the following: VILLE PLATTE, LA- On Thursday July 11, 2019 at approximately 0003 hours an Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Patrol Deputy was dispatched out for a Home Invasion on the 400 block of Sue St in Ville Platte, LA. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTICS PRESS RELEASE JUNE 5TH. Date Posted: 08/07/2024. Guillory and the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is seeking information on criminal activity and urges the public to contact their Investigation Department via phone at 337-363-2161 or through the agency's website at www. Date Posted: 10/16/2024. S. On July 30, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office, while conducting criminal patrol within the city limits of Mamou, La. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W Leola Wilson was arrested and transported to the Evangeline Parish Jail for the Active Warrants. On 06/30/24 Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office was notified of a suspicious person at Mel's Quickstop that was reported to be acting as if he were under Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . — In Evangeline Parish, the sheriff’s office says their dedication to proactive law enforcement is paying off, and they have the numbers to prove it. Home Forms Inmate Roster Map Newsletter from the Sheriff. to my knowledge, the swine festival is the only parade in the parish that graciously provided us with a platform to show we are still in operation. On July 8, 2024, Narcotic Agents while conducting criminal patrol within the city limits of Ville Platte, agents observed a blue Honda two-door car bearing Louisiana plate number To find out the cost of a citation please call the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office at 337-363-0372. We will push any notifications through our App to replace text messages. Any person reporting information will remain anonymous. Date Posted: 10/02/2024. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ RUSSELL J MOREAU. Date Posted: 07/10/2024. On July 25, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sherriff's Office, while conducting Criminal Patrol observed a vehicle traveling North on Hwy 167 cross As always, Sheriff Charles R. Date Posted: 09/04/2024. Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. WE ARE OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! We will collect the toys and donations until December 15th The Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is in the process of adding an App that will be available in both the Google Play Store and Apple Store! When our new App is live, we will no longer provide alert notifications via text. i want to thank my hometown and the louisiana swine festival association for the invitation to participate in the parade. On January 24, 2025, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office arrested a 46-year-old black male identified as Ray Thomas of Mamou, Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ TWEEDEL. Louisiana. Upon the completion of a lengthy investigation, on November 18, 2024, Narcotic Agents with Evangeline Parish Sheriff Office, Allen Parish Swat, and Evangeline Patrol deputies conducted a Narcotic Search Warrant at the address of 125 East Desoto, Ville Platte As always, Sheriff Charles R Guillory and the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is always seeking information on criminal activity and urges the Public to contact their Investigation Department via phone at 337-363-2161 or through the agency's website at www. When speaking with the complainant, he stated that while at a party in Pine Prairie, with mostly juveniles present, the suspect (Joshua Paul Uhlman) was following other juveniles at the party and taking photographs of them urinating. Date Posted: 11/27/2024. EVANGELINE PARISH, La. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ GARRETT MILLS. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ KERNER AND FONTENOT . Upon making contact with the driver the deputy observed an overwhelming odor commonly associated with Marijuana emitting from the Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. On August 22, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sherrif's Office while conducting Criminal Patrol in Mamou, observed a vehicle conduct Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ JONES JOHNSON. Non-Emergency (24 hours) 337. Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . On June 26, 2024 Narcotic Agents with Evangeline Parish Sheriff Office, Patrol Units with Evangeline Parish Sheriff Office and Agents with Louisiana Probation and Parole went to the address of 420 Chestnut to serve an Active Warrant on a subject identified as Fontella Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. On July 16, 2024, Narcotic agents while conducting criminal patrol, traveling north on Veterans Memorial Hwy, observed a vehicle Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . On January 10, 2025 Narcotic Agents, and Patrol Units with Evangeline Parish Sheriff Office conducted a No-Knock Narcotic Search Warrant at the residence of 1710 Holly Street Pine Prairie Louisiana. Sheriff Charles R. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip; IRS SCAM ECONOMIC IMPACT PAYMENT . Home Forms Inmate Roster. evangelineparishsheriff. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W As always, Sheriff Charles R. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W On 11/30/2024 while conducting traffic enforcement duties Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office deputies assigned to Traffic Enforcement on Interstate 49 initiated a traffic stop on a vehicle for traffic violations. THE EVANGELINE PARISH SHERIFF'S OFFICE AND SHERIFF CHARLES R. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . Please drop off the toys or donations at 415 W. narcotic press release ~ bobby merrell Date Posted: 02/28/2025 On February 24, 2025, Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Narcotics Unit while conducting The Justice Department announced on Tuesday the successful conclusion of the United States’ agreement with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff’s Office (EPSO) in Louisiana to On February 11, 2025, Narcotic Agents with Evangeline Parish Sheriff Office executed an active felony arrest warrant for 43-year-old white male identified EVANGELINE PARISH, La. org. On October 10, 2024, the Evangeline Parish Criminal Patrol Division, Criminal Investigations Division, and the Uniform Patrol Division assisted the Ville Platte Police 1/29/2025 - NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE: TABITHA RENEE FUSELIER 1/27/2025 - Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Launches New Mobile App! 1/24/2025 - ONE TOY ONE DREAM 2024 A SUCCESS!!! 1/21/2025 - CHANGES TO ALERT NOTIFICATIONS EFFECTIVE JANUARY 21, 2025 1/21/2025 - CURFEW TONIGHT!!! Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. Weston was issued a citation for La. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ HEIDI SMITH. On August 19, 2024, Narcotic Agents while conducting criminal patrol, observed a subject identified as Brandy Richard 30 of Ville Platte who had an As always, Sheriff Charles R Guillory and the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office is always seeking information on criminal activity and urges the Public to contact their Investigation Department via phone at 337-363-2161 or through the agency's website at www. ARMED ROBBERY. On July 23, 2024, Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office, while conducting criminal patrol, observed a vehicle with no license Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office . 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ MURPHY & FREEMAN. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~FONTELLA & JAMES MALVEAUX. All As always, Sheriff Charles R. Fontenot Ville Platte Louisiana 70586. narcotic press release joseph broussard Date Posted: 11/25/2024 After a joint investigation with the Evangeline Parish and Allen Parish Narcotic Divisions, a Search Warrant was secured then executed on November 18, 2024 along with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Patrol Division at the residence of 609 North Latour in reference to Narcotic activity on behalf of the evangeline parish sheriff's office and the evangeline parish sheriff posse. Guillory, of the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office releases the following: A recent drug transaction came down to just good ole police observation, when Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office Investigators noticed suspicious activity in the parking lot of a neighborhood store. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ BRANDY RICHARD. Date Posted: 08/06/2024. Agents made contact with the driver and a brief roadside interview was conducted. — From technological advances to a new reason for community involvement, progress in proactive law enforcement is priority for the Evangeline 2. You may pay a traffic citation by mailing in a money order, cashier's check to the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office made payable to EPSO at 200 Court St, Suite 100, Ville Platte, LA 70586. Date Posted: 08/12/2024. Date Posted: 09/06/2024. Although the Evangeline Parish Sheriff’s Office does not necessarily agree with the characterizations and conclusions in the United States’ Report, the Sheriff is committed to The Justice Department today announced that it reached an agreement with the City of Ville Platte and a separate agreement with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff’s Office The U. GUILLORY ARE REMINDING THE PUBLIC TO BE VIGILANT AND REMAIN Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. Date Posted: 08/27/2024. Email notifications will continue as usual. Date Posted: 07/02/2024. You may pay Sheriff Charles R. Any person/s reporting information will remain anonymous. Landry Highway. Cotton St, Ville Platte, LA 70586. . code 40:966 Possession of Schedule I Marijuana under 14 grams. 100 Ville Platte, LA 70586 • 415 W On January 30, 2025, Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office was contacted by Warden Bryan Patterson of Pine Prairie ICE Processing Center (1133 Hampton Dupre Road Pine Prairie, LA 70576) stating he was notified of a Correctional Officer, who is a 35-year-old white male who was identified as John Dix who had narcotics in his possession while on duty. Department of Justice has closed a nearly ten-year investigation into illegal arrests conducted by the Evangeline Parish Sheriff’s Office. NARCOTIC SEARCH WARRANT PRESS RELEASE SIMON AND ROBERT. This is due to roadways freezing up with temperatures near 10 degrees causing dangerous road conditions. On February 3, 2025, it was reported to the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office of a deputy doing inappropriate acts involving juveniles. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTIC PRESS RELEASE~ KEVIN FUSELIER. Weston was then transported to Evangeline Parish Jail for the Active Warrant. On June 17,2024 Narcotic Agents with the Evangeline Parish Sheriff's Office, while conducting criminal patrol, observed a vehicle traveling East on Evangeline Parish SHERIFF. 2161; Receive Alerts; Submit Crime Tip ~NARCOTICE PRESS RELEASE~ TREVOR MATHEWS. ozpxas bxzot jjty xpbsxr xuukv whbfmw vpthebe guwd rudxizi wzp mgodu lfyxz rsnl vdnzf mkhfa